5 tips for driving your off-road vehicle on snow or ice

Off-road vehicles, whether they have 4×4 or 4×2 transmission systems, are specially designed to work in extreme conditions. And there is no worse condition for any vehicle than snow or ice. That is why we have prepared this post, to give you some tips on how to drive your SUV without problems when these conditions occur.

Keep in mind what is happening

The first piece of advice we have to give you is to never forget what situation you are in with your SUV and how it affects it. When you go over an icy or snowy surface, the tires cannot get the grip they would get when driving on asphalt.

One of the reasons why the tire grab so well on asphalt is because, when the tire rotates at high speeds, the bonds of the molecules on the surface of the rubber are broken, creating new bonds between the free molecules of the tire and others of the asphalt.

However, this occurs almost only at very high speeds or in racing vehicles. On work UTVs, which typically travel at lower speeds, the primary mechanism is the friction. That is, if we look at a microscopic level, we will realize that there are small irregularities in the tire that collide with irregularities in the asphalt, which causes the tire to not slide on it and thus manages to propel the vehicle.

When we are on surfaces like snow, reduces friction, since the snow “crumbles” and the tire cannot grip, while when the ground is frozen, its surface is completely smooth and there is no that friction either.

Although the 4×4 drives and self-locking differentials that UTVs must have help in these conditions, you should always keep in mind that the conditions are very unfavorable for your wheels. And, of course, if 4×4 traction is optional, always activate it, no matter how short the trip you are going to make.


suitable tires

You already know that the tires will always be more difficult to traction on snow or ice than on asphalt. Even so, there are special tires also for off-road vehicles that adapt much better to these conditions.

Remember to always have snow or ice tires available and in good condition, especially if you are going to use your UTV to work in northern or mountain areas.

Softness is the key

When driving in snow, all movements should be very smooth, no sudden actions. And we are referring to the hands and feet.

If you turn the steering wheel too sharply, the front wheels (steering wheels) will slide and you will lose control completely until you slow down and grip again.

In the case of pedals the same thing will happen to us. If you accelerate too hard, it will be the drive wheels that can spin, even if it is a 4×4 vehicle. And if you press the brake in the same way, you will notice that the ABS system activates instantly (if it has one).

This type of rough driving tends to occur more in adventure vehicles than in work UTVs, but it must be taken into account in both cases.



This is advice that is always given when going skiing. Even though the sky is cloudy, the ice and snow reflect the sun's rays and it is essential to protect your eyes from it. Furthermore, it is common to always carry sunglasses in the glove compartment of our car, but not so much in our UTV. So, don't forget to always have some on hand in a compartment.

Route with snow accumulation

Finally, we want to give you this advice a little more specific.

If you are driving through snow and you see that there are lanes created by the passing of the wheels of other vehicles, try not to go there, because that is where the ice accumulates and it is easier for the wheels to skid.

For work vehicles, you will usually have a path that you always follow, but try not to always run your wheels in the same place. And for adventurers, if you go in a group in these conditions, remember not to go right behind the person in front of you so that your wheels do not go through the tracks left by theirs.


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