Today, individuals and companies of all types use technology to streamline any task and work more efficiently. And for that, luckily, we always have with us a magnificent and versatile tool: our smartphone.
In this post we want to show you some apps with which you can working in the agricultural business in a much more comfortable way and that, in the end, they will make your life easier.
The best apps for agriculture
We want to make it clear that these are not all the applications available, far from it, but they are some of the ones that we think would be useful. you should take into account if you work in agriculture. So, try them and see which ones you can get the most out of.
Furthermore, although we show them to you as a list, there is no one more important than the other; Each one is simply focused on a different thing and, therefore, will adapt to different needs.
- Farm Management Pro (Farm Management Pro)
As its name indicates, it is an app developed for manage the hundreds of variables that influence the proper development of a farm, orchard or land. So much so, that it will allow you to control and record the condition and length of the grass, the humidity of the soil, the health control of the animals or the maintenance process of the agricultural machines.
Likewise, if you have other tools that you use with your computer, you can easily export the app's data to Excel format and then manipulate it or print it in PDF to view it comfortably.
- SiAR
The quality of this application is guaranteed thanks to its developer: the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain.
La General Subdirectorate of Irrigation and Rural Infrastructures collects and stores all the information obtained thanks to the SiAR Network of Agrometeorological Stations.
Of course, you will need to register in their system, but once you do, you will be able make inquiries and download weather data which, as you can imagine, will allow you to analyze and predict how the harvests will go.
Of course, since the app belongs to the State, registration is completely free.
- Rain alarm o Rain Alarm
To finish completing the knowledge of the weather conditions, we present this app that, unlike the classic applications that tell what the weather is like, this one It will send you notifications to your mobile phone when important changes occur such as rain, hail or snow.
You can modify the appearance of the application, the maps and the type of notifications.
- Bayer TurfXpert
This fantastic application will allow you to obtain information about those threats that worry everyone who works in the field, such as pests and diseases that attack plants and animals.
This information consists of knowing when and where these pests or disease spread are most likely to occur. In addition, it will allow you to identify these pests with their cycles and causes, and with an option to activate the camera to determine them more easily.
And not only that, but you will also have information on how to deal with them, of course. So, don't hesitate to try it and see how it suits your needs.