There are many localities that are putting measures in place to stop the spread of Covid19, and in just a few weeks we have normalized the image on our streets of people wearing protective suits and masks.
As experts recommend, confinement of the population is the most effective measure for this, however, City Councils have a very important role, as it is time to put all efforts into establishing extraordinary protocols and procedures for cleaning and disinfection. of public space.
Working on disinfection at transit points is essential, and as a result, City Councils throughout Spain are already at full capacity disinfecting common areas and public spaces. For these tasks, viricidal products such as sodium hypochlorite (bleach) diluted to very low concentrations are being used, as indicated by the Ministry of Health in its recommendations for prevention and control of Covid-19.
Citizen collaboration at this time is key, and in many localities farmers and individuals are putting their machines at the service of the City Council, disinfecting roads and facades with their tractors and agricultural vehicles equipped with buckets, sulfators, atomizers, herbicide bars, etc.
In addition to tractors, we are also seeing UTV vehicles like the TerrainDX4, the agility and ease of installation of these systems make it a very good option for carrying out disinfection work.
Another measure that City Councils are resorting to is hiring private Emergency Response companies. These special forces have special protocols and specific equipment to thoroughly disinfect every corner of the cities.
In the scale of priorities, the City Councils are locating their efforts in:
- Surroundings and entrances to hospitals, supermarkets, pharmacies, and operating establishments.
- Containers and bins.
- Taxi and public transport stops.
- Bus and train stations.
- Railings, building portals, parking lots, ATMs.
In addition to cleaning the places, the City Councils and Security Forces also closely monitor the daily disinfection of the vehicles and materials used in these tasks. Seats, armrests, knobs, cranks and handles are the most susceptible objects in the spread of the virus.
At CORVUS we trust that the joint effort of citizens and administrations will serve to stop this virus and return to normality soon.
Together we will get it!